so here's to the last day of my hiatus at home. it was also the first day i picked up any work i should have been doing. i read some of the book for my migration course... i dont think the teacher has any plan for us reading it besides for our own entertainment. but that entire course seems to be for our own entertainment. although i have to write a paper sometime soon. but thats school.
there's nothing new in my life so i always get stuck thinking of old things.
today i went for a walk in harrybrook park with my parents. my dad was trying to see if he could walk faster now that he is on heart medication. he thinks its better. thats good i guess. the crazy things they can do with pills now. it never ceases to amaze. playing around with the functions of the human body still scare me though. i guess i get that from my mother. she won't take anything for her high cholesterol. even though there are plenty of things available for it. and i don't like medication but i'll try anything they'll throw at me to fix my lousy skin. (but i will not see that goddamn doctor. he's just mean.) which has been alright lately. just very dry. and any sort of moisturizer is disaster.
everyone was friendly at the park people said hi. a random guy waved at us when we turned around in a development before we went to the park. we were going to look at another used car. my dads favorite pasttime. then some crazy woman in a honda from the 70s or so flipped us off when she was driving behind us on candlewood lake rd. what a crazy bitch. haha. i say she's jealous she's not driving a saab from the 90s. she's just three decades behind and bitter. harhar.
some cute guys were coming into the park as we were leaving. i looked at them and i got the look back but you know i have no way of telling age. i couldn't tell if they were high school kids or like college freshman or sophs. if i can't tell i should stay away. haha. then again i've met some people my age who didn't look it. i should just ask to see some id. hmmm....
as there's no one to instant message i think its time for bed. back to uconn campus tomorrow. yay...
~ kara
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