Thursday, November 19, 2015

A Facebook page means you are a business (lol)

I've just opened a Facebook page for my Etsy shop amorettenet. Self promotion is really confusing and time consuming! I'm trying to figure out what social media is better, so far Instagram is the only one that gets any attention - albeit mostly from other people self-promoting their brands. I don't have a tumblr, I don't even know what 'tumblr' is for! I have literally never been on it I'm already overwhelmed by all the "social" media.

I'm not sure how social any of it is unless its someone I *actually* know and will see "IRL" communicating with me. Over heard some people talking on the train the other day about how they "quit tumblr cold turkey and now they feel like they can be so much more productive." Good idea. Or be too old and don't join :) I do like Facebook because that's where I get most of my news & current affairs info. The funny thing is that my boyfriend will say something to the effect of "did you see the..." and I'll be like yep that was on my feed too. Despite us only having 2 friends in common and I never share things to him. Its a small world. Etsy does seem like a big sea of people. I browse just to find things I like and I feel like I could literally browse all day. The internet is a time eater like that :p

Its not *easy* to start an online shop. I used to run an online shop/webhost/design business... in high school. It was a lot different back then. The internet *was* smaller. It was easy to startup and become a popular site - if you had a common interest with a lot of other like-minded people. Simply because there weren't THAT many other websites out there. You could buy domain names with 1 word... for $75/yr. I haven't really done anything since then, just a website here or there at random b/c someone already knew I could make them. I dropped out of the web business because I was too busy. It takes a TON of time. So I'm back again, with no audience and no hook to bring in my like-minded folks. Time to "re-brand" myself. Or find my "brand" that's already out there. Hahah.

Relates back to life in general. As we change from year to year... our brand does change. Who we are is not a constant. Who I spend most of my time with is not a constant. My Facebook friends are pretty constant though haha. That tumblr quitter said they had friends on there for 7 years. I've had friends on Facebook since it started, the same ones, and I've rarely added new ones since college. I really don't see it as a way to meet new people (moreso to keep in touch with people you've met). Blogger certainly doesn't seem that way either. I don't feel compelled to comment on/email bloggers and make friendships. They are far too busy anyway! The only place I make friends on the internet is on Meetup, and that's making friends IRL because they encourage you *not* to talk online. Old school.

<3 amorette

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