Sunday, April 30, 2006

the flightly blogger

it has been a long time. and most of my posts nowadays start with that recollection.

an update on my life: not much.

it is finals week at UConn. I have two papers to write, a take home exam I have to do whenever my teacher emails it to me, and an actual in class exam at 8am on wednesday. which i might add is an ungoddly hour to be contemplating electrodynamics.

i have a phone interview at a summer camp that is in virginia on tuesday morning. i should like to get that job as it would be fun. i have an in person interview with a company in andover, mass. on the 8th. if i get that job i'm going to be scrambling to find housing by the 15th or sleeping on a friends couch or floor or a hallway somewhere or maybe even a ymca. haha. but i'm up for the adventure.

i hope something exciting happens this summer. anything really. i'll take my small excitements where they come. like today the bugs in my pancake mix were exciting. not really. sad. i wanted pancakes.

anyway. back to writing a paper on migration policy. then one on chemical vapor deposition. the latter one is going to be much easier. i'm just not interested in migration policy. so... maybe i picked the right major? hehe.

- kara

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