Saturday, April 07, 2007

well i'm all better now

so its april right, and thursday i saw snow flurries and people were still skating at rockefeller center. and the daffodils were all up and ready to open when i arrived on tuesday and regardless of the weather the buds were all open by the end of the week. and it always seems like you have nothing to say to someone when you begin with the topic of weather. but since i maintain my position that we are all animals and everything we do relates to that. i don't mind conversations of weather. i think its part of our instinct to notice it, to be bothered by it, and then to whine about anything hindering our lives to our compadres. eh?

i'm still chasing after that elusive career. i think i should dig up a book on the GRE's and get ready to go tackle a grad school. my parents think it'd be a good idea to ship me off to the college my bf is at to study finance. even tho its hella cash none of us have and uhm i don't know if that school has any cred for business-type-things. but i guess to appease their interest i will look into it. a masters in a year would be nice. less time. less money. i don't know about next year tho. i guess i could commute from home. anyway that's option number 2. number 1 is still getting a job and accumulating some funds. which is always nice.

parents want to go to lancaster PA and round up some dutch people and chocolate bars. but julie will be in school and this is for their anniversary so they dunno about "taking the kids." i'd be the only kid tho. i guess i could try to be kid-like.

i haven't had a fight with the 'rents since i had that late night talk w/plunk about how i like to fight with the 'rents. but i think staying away for 4 days may have helped that. it usually does. especially when the cell phone is off. but i'm going to try to keep it up. the hardest part is when you're cranky. or you haven't eaten. and thus you're cranky. then you just want to pick fights. or when you just have a tummy ache. i almost for a moment wanted to pick a fight with plunk. for the combination of the hungry and ache reasons. but i dunno he's hard to pick fights with unless its about me saying his politics are bull. which is fun, i think. at least he'll have more practice defending his ideas ;p but i'm probably not a worthy adversary to practice on. haha.

politics schmolotics. {i love how blogger wants to spellcheck my made-up-words}

i think that i ate vegetarian chili yesterday, well i know i did, and i think it has screwed up my insides. it could have been too many beans, but it probably was too much spice. my tummy doesn't like the spices. arr.

oh so i guess for the rest of the world: i got a haircut. haven't done that in .. ages. well gotten someone to cut it for me anywayz. and its short. again. woohoo. i like short hair. but sadly it will grow and i won't be able to cut it myself. so it will just grow forever. i tried to grow my hair out for the locks of love thing. but i don't know if i had 10 inches. and didn't want to go to the fancy salon to get told i didn't have enough to donate and then having to go to the other place to get it cut. so i just went to astor place and got it cut. and there aren't enough wachovia's in the city. too many chases. not enough of my bank. wah. yea but no photos yet. its saturday. 1pm is still morning.

oh an since this blog is mostly for myself. (aren't all blogs?) i'm congratulating myself for losing 5lbs. but i'm going to have to remind myself not to eat tons of cheesecake and cookies (in the fridge for easter) and to keep running. cuz 5lbs comes back real fast. so if i gain it back, at least i can tell myself i told you so.

someone find me a job,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Talking of the weather...talking of weight, both gained and lost...I swear that we have a hibernation instinct...I swear our metabolism slows down as the leaves fall, and the cold winds rise...I think our bodies tell us we need to gain weight, to survive the (historically, for our species) near un-survivable winters, and so we put on a few pounds, and we crave high-calorie foods. I do not know if this holds true for you...but those days last week, when it was warmer, I craved fruit and carrots and it is only white, and milk chocolates that will sate me. Oh well, enough of that. Best of luck with the job hunt, or the decision to go to graduate school...graduate school can always be done later, and you are soo correct...having money is indeed a very nice thing. Best of luck, sincerely, Chris R.